Ahh! I love this! ☺️

Two notes: This is was beautiful, and your hair is beautiful, Rosa. I hope you’ve learned to love your waves because they are gorgeous. 💕

Please keep writing these prosetry pieces! They are delightful.

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Thank you, Allana!! You're too kind. I LOVE your curly hair, too!!

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Thanks, Rosa! That’s so sweet of you. ☺️

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I loved this! I wrote a poem a while back called "Before I loved my curls". For many years I thought I just had extremely frizzy hair. Now when I air dry I have ringlets. It's almost as if my hair needed to feel safe to curl before it finally did. <3

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I love that. Like so many things, we have to allow it the freedom to do what it was born to do❤️ I'd love to read your piece!! Is it on your insta?

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Really engaging post and prose-poem. I like the metaphors of sea and river. And the layout makes it look like artwork!

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Thank you, Kassi❤️ means a lot!

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Sep 17Liked by Rosa Gilbert

I especially love the audio. Poetry read by the one who wrote it always has a special effect you don’t get from the reader reading. 🤗

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Ahhh I agree. It's intimidating to do, but it truly has a special effect. Thanks for reading and listening!!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Rosa Gilbert

Rosita!! I loved itt! Thanks for sharing it, what a sweet way to describe curly/wavy hair

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Love you Tats and I ❤️ your hair curly hair forever and ever.

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Love this! Cheers, to all the curly haired queens! 🤍👑

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Thank you!! Yes!! Cheers to us. ❤️

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(1) Posetry is genius (2) This was a brilliant ode to wild haired girls ❤️ My hair gets more curly with each passing year and it has taken some getting used to. (3) Loved hearing your voice read!

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Thank you, friend!! I totally get it. I'm still figuring my hair out and it's been wavy/curly my whole life. But I've slowly learned to love it.

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I love this poem! I relate to feeling my hair is too wild as well. You are brave to record yourself reading them poem, but I think you did great and it makes your Substack feel so cozy and polished!

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Thanks, Julia!! I cringed a bit when I heard it to make sure it sounded ok, but trying to put myself out there haha! I'd love to hear you read one of your poems❤️

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Sep 17Liked by Rosa Gilbert

I love this!

I really enjoyed hearing you read it. And I adore the mix of styles. Keep writing! 🫶🏼

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Thank you for you constant encouragement!!❤️

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