I’d love to read some “Monday Musings”.

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“One with the bushes, you’ve planted yourself between them.” Planted. Perfect verb here. This is beautiful! And, of course we want Monday Musings!

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I'm so looking forward to reading more prose pieces! Prose poems are not my strong suit, but yours flow so beautifully.

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this is so sweet and lovely rosa!

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What a vivid description, Rosa! I could visualize every moment of this sweet scene. I loved this.


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Yes, Monday Musings, and prosetry. I am so blessed to have your poem in my upcoming Blog/Journal 💓 and look forward to the poetry cohort.

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Lovely. You're reminding me how often I'm focused on a big harvest rather than enjoying the here and now with my little ones 💛: "I continue to march through, determined to hurry and see my bucket spill and fill with fruit. Turning to find you, I realize you are no longer gathering.

One with the bushes, you’ve planted yourself between them."

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Beautiful! So proud of you 🥰

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Such beautiful work and happenings for you!! Thank you for sharing about the poetry cohort! It’s going to be amazing!

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